Safety - Accessibility - Community

It starts with us.

Image alt text: a view of Monroe Drive showing four empty lanes next to a narrow sidewalk. The sidewalk has no buffer from the traffic lanes and it is obstructed by several utility poles and signs.

We are neighbors of Monroe Drive.

Some of us live nearby. Some of us pass through when we visit Piedmont Park, friends, or businesses on Monroe.

We are tired of drivers going too fast and we are tired of the crashes. We are tired of risking our lives to make a left-hand turn.

We are tired of risking our children’s lives by simply crossing the street.

Our mission is to make Monroe Drive safer and more accessible to all Atlantans.

Read more here.

Do you have a Monroe Drive story?

Write us at Include pictures if you can!

A car crash on the northwest corner of Park Ave and Monroe Drive. A silver car with a dented bumper is on the side of Park Avenue. Crash debris litters the pedestrian island. The pedestrian island has no curb cuts.

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