Monroe Drive News

Yet another crash

posted by Monroe Neighbors, May 29, 2022

On Thursday night, a driver crashed into the pedestrian island at Park Avenue and Monroe Drive. Another crash happened on Friday night. Thankfully, there were no injuries. This time.

A discussion on NextDoor resulted in a group of neighbors connecting with the hope of somehow effecting change. Some have lived here for 30+ years, some for only a few. We know the tragic history on this road, and that it’s a matter of when, not if, something like that happens again.

We want more than empty plans for something that might happen in another five years. Last week, Atlanta voted for more money to be spent on transportation improvement. ATLDOT is about to undergo a major change in leadership. We believe that Monroe Drive can be fixed, but we need to be organized if we want to shape a vision for a future in which all users of Monroe Drive are safe in transit along the corridor.

We will use this website to connect neighbors as well as anyone trying to use Monroe Drive. We will collect a record of the crashes that occur, the sidewalk problems, and the accessibility failures, and we will use these to advocate for safety improvements to Monroe Drive.

How you can help:

  • Send us pictures and stories of your experience on Monroe Drive at . We’ll publish them here.

  • Join our mailing list to hear about what is happening at the city level to fix Monroe Drive and to be informed about opportunities to get involved.